

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Birth Stone August - Beautiful Peridot

August's birthstone is Peridot and comes from the Arabic "faridat", meaning jewel. Peridot is sometimes called the evening emerald because when put under artificial light is a nice green glow. Peridot is also known as the 16th Anniversary since gem.

Ancient Greek and Roman jewelry was heavy in peridot and has been admired all the way back to 1500 BC, when Egyptians began mining it. Egyptian in the stone as a "jewel of the sun", and alsothought it had to increase the ability to reduce anxiety, verbal communication, and help the success of marriages.

Birthstone Jewelry

Peridot transparent colors in a variety of vegetables from a bright green to yellow-colored oil come. The real color is green peridot is most precious. If there is a light brown color of your Peridot seriously diminish the value and obvious defects.

You can find peridot crystals in the black sandHawaii, where this particular gem is something precious. Peridot You are here in large sizes. The Hawaiians believe that peridot is the tears of Pele, the volcano goddess.

While peridot is most abundant in Hawaii you will find it as far away as Burma, Norway, Brazil, Australia, Congo, and in Arizona. You can be assured that wherever you are is a surprising gem.

Peridot is to help dreams become reality and has become the emblem of the dataFame, power and energy. Peridot is in Europe in medieval churches, heavily decorating treasures found counting the Cologne Cathedral.

E 'known that the Egyptian priests from peridot goblets in the belief that they are closer to Isis, the goddess of nature draws drinking.

The Birth Stone August - Beautiful Peridot


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