

Friday, May 13, 2011

September Birthstone - Sapphire September from Ancient Egypt to Today

In ancient Egypt, sapphires September, with the wisdom of the All-Seeing Eye of Horus, which makes it the perfect gem born for the month. Then as now, was in September a month of celebration and learning of knowledge. During the autumnal equinox in September, when day and night are in balance, the ancient Egyptians celebrated the wisdom of Isis, who used their knowledge to revive her dead husband, Osiris. And they have been since ancient times, the precious sapphiresthose born in September - the month that our wisdom begins the school year, and our efforts as the Egyptians for their quality after they open their eyes, came up with.

But if the ancients spoke of sapphires (saphirus derived from the Latin word for "blue stone), were almost certainly referring to lapis lazuli. Velvety blue sapphire corundum gems are modern and are only diamonds in hardness. On the contrary, lapis lazuli, the oldSapphire is a semi-precious stone with white inclusions and gold. Modern sapphires in a variety of colors, although they are more well-known blue, lapis lazuli, but is made from a mixture of minerals that make them almost exclusively blue.

Birthstone Jewelry

No matter what kind of ancient writers sapphire, saw the eye of Horus oracle was omnipresent in their minds. So strong was the bond between the eyes and the blue gems sapphires that the Egyptian doctors turned into dustbe used as an eyewash to help patients see clearly. Cleopatra also used old sapphires in her eye shadow and the Egyptian book of the dead describes itself a powerful magic amulet carved in the shape of eyes of sapphire.

The Greeks, who came to Egypt after the conquest of the kingdom of Alexander the Great would be the adoption of sapphire is the gem of Apollo oracle of God's wisdom and knowledge. You said that sapphires would "open the third eye." Jews, afterbeen enslaved by the Egyptians, he developed the idea that the Ten Commandments, God's wisdom, written on a sapphire tablet.

The Egyptian cult of sapphire and its association with knowledge and wisdom to the time of the medieval monarchs, sapphires, was passed to govern wisely. Evidence of the imperial state crown of the United Kingdom, with two famous sapphires, one of which was worn by Edward the Confessor at his coronation in the setcompared 1042nd

Even today, although we have magical charm and oracles, sapphires are still done with us in our quest for knowledge, sapphires Help build lasers and NASA are using sapphires as components of the particle collector extended. Thus, while the ancient Egyptians saw the sapphire sky, only to be sent to the secrets of the universe.

We can not celebrate the autumn equinox, as the ancient Egyptians did, but we have the idea in September as inheritedTime balanced and wisdom. Modern astrologers believe that those born in September intellectually curious, so sapphires born were elected this month. In the light of their ancient heritage, which promise a better way to September and challenges by serving as a gift of honor sapphires?

September Birthstone - Sapphire September from Ancient Egypt to Today


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