

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Onyx - February Birthstone

Onyx gemstone is born in February, while the signs of the mystical stone for December and a lucky charm for people under the Leo zodiac. Onyx is also the tenth anniversary gem.

Black Onyx is said to change the ability to be the bearer of bad habits. This gem is also an important tool to support the increase of the concentration of dispersed people and relaxing in a chaotic and problematic life can be used. In India, the OnyxGemstone is assumed that the power to calm excessive anxiety of love. It is also believed to help the carrier in a very eloquent, and so most of the speakers have the Onyx in public lectures. Similarly, with a lover to be able to find the right words to understand the love and the heart of his new romantic interest. Onyx gem, to contribute to the growth of hair, nails and skin.

Birthstone Jewelry

Onyx will help with the release of negative emotions such as sadness and pain. It isalso be used to end unhappy or bothersome partnerships and relationships. Onyx also protects you from negative vibrations. Onyx jewelry is worn to defend against negativity. Black stones are said to be energy security, as black as the absence of light is known, and can be used to create the illusion of invisibility.

Finally, the strengthening of the Onyx gem of trust and responsibility. It helps a lotSharpen the senses and promotes a healthy ego of the self. For those who would like to have a gem onyx, black onyx is quite cheap and so accessible. But the Onyx gives the wearer the look of elegance and wealth. Onyx is often look with other pieces such as beads for a rich and elegant ebony and ivory combo.

Onyx - February Birthstone


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